CHI News

Cranial Facial Release Technique (CFR)

Cranial Facial Release Technique (CFR)

 The combination of Cranial Facial Release (CFR) with ART can change lives and we can target chronic concussions, migraines, sinus issues along with a long list of other symptoms people have below. What is CFR? Keep reading! Cranial Facial Release (CFR) is an...

Active Release Technique (ART)

Active Release Technique (ART)

Dr. Jon specializes in A.R.T. (Active Release Technique), which is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement-based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel...

Is Your Monthly Cycle Regular?

Is Your Monthly Cycle Regular?

Signs Your Monthly Cycle is Irregular A common misconception among women and their menstrual cycles is that we are all doomed to suffer during our time of the month. My response to that is, "Says who??" Just because your period has consisted of pain, cramps, mood...

Balancing Your Immunity

Balancing Your Immunity

One of the hottest topics since February 2020 is the immune system. The truth is, the immune system has always been a priority at CHI and in this portion of the newsletter we will explain one of the key concepts we use in balancing it. Just like everything else in...

5 Biohacks to Prepare for Wildfire Season

5 Biohacks to Prepare for Wildfire Season

Wildfires are already burning across the state, and smoke is rapidly filling the air. What can you do to help your lungs and body when air quality is unhealthy? Pick up a bottle of Cellcore's ViRadChem Binder and keep it in the medicine cabinet. It is designed to bind...

patient testimonials

Our Patients Come First

"I actually woke up with a smile on my face feeling happy because my body was feeling good. So thank you all for your help here...this is incredible stuff."

David Tilove

Within ten days of my first [ankle] treatment, the right side was healed…you guys should come check it out…this place is pretty amazing!”

Tali Bowen

Would give CHI and their staff ten stars if I could! The improvements I've experienced, both physical and emotional, have been tremendous. I can say they are life-changing. Thank you!

Steve Raack

Contact Our Office


Cohn Health Institute
3151 Airway Avenue, Suite U-3
Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Monday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 5;00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 6:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday Closed 

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